
fashion and books

Wednesday, July 20, 2011


So i went shopping again today, well it was more for my sister but i conned my step dad into getting me a shirt, its really cute its the mad hatter, and it says were all mad here. i found the picture online and here it is!:)
Its really cute, i think my style is nice teeheeXD
This year im goin for a diffrent look, im thinking girl-yet tomboy. Last year i was totally girly styled out, but this year i want it to be more tomboyish,punky kinda like a punk princess, i think thatll be cute, and everytime i get something new for school ill post it!:) (ill save you guys the trama from the undergarments and not post thoses ahah) have a nice day!


now i know i havnt eally gone shopping but i would like to post this year everything i get and show a picture so you guys can get a idea of the awesomeness of my style!!XD so these are the vans and earphones:) hope you like