
fashion and books

Wednesday, July 20, 2011


So i went shopping again today, well it was more for my sister but i conned my step dad into getting me a shirt, its really cute its the mad hatter, and it says were all mad here. i found the picture online and here it is!:)
Its really cute, i think my style is nice teeheeXD
This year im goin for a diffrent look, im thinking girl-yet tomboy. Last year i was totally girly styled out, but this year i want it to be more tomboyish,punky kinda like a punk princess, i think thatll be cute, and everytime i get something new for school ill post it!:) (ill save you guys the trama from the undergarments and not post thoses ahah) have a nice day!


now i know i havnt eally gone shopping but i would like to post this year everything i get and show a picture so you guys can get a idea of the awesomeness of my style!!XD so these are the vans and earphones:) hope you like


ahhhh the lovely art of reading...:)
i think that i wanna get the bloggers here hooked on fanfiction, which is a reading website, basically say you like the book twilight so you would go to the site click books then scroll down for twilight and click it then it would give you millions of storys that people wrote on their version of it, its addicting so i decided i was going to post my favorite storys and the authors so you guys can look it up and hopefully get hooked to!:) p.s. its all twilight...sorry haterz
A Four Year Secret by: shortcake1980
Arranged mafia Marriage by:ADADancer
Craving A Ordinary Life by:busybee37
Falling For The First Time by:SnowWhiteHeart
Kiss Me,Im Irish by:IrishTwiFicster
Married To The Enemy by:Gelix
Outside The Box by:SexyLexiCullen
Parachute by:KitsuShel
perfectly Lonely by:twilightbyus
The Tales Of A Charming TruckNapper by:MK Marie

Now that was lyk 10 out of 180 in my favorite list of storys :D i read every single day and when i go a day not reading i feel weird ahahh, what a nerd!:) so i hope you guys take it up upon yourselfs to read one of thoses storys.
WARNING: some of the content in thoses storys are rated mature, so if you are of faint heart then i would advise reading a diffrent story *wink wink*
haha actually you know the first person that reads one of these storys and tells me (message obviously):) i will do a whole post in honer of them and there awesomeness :D.................
just remeber my modo for this world, all you need are books and a good sense of cleverness and your set!

hiya peeps!:)

Wow i havnt updated in lyk a year..literally 0_o ha
Well so have you seen the new harry potter, i have and it was AWESOME:)
sooooooo my blog is basically about fashion and reading so lets start with reading
READING: its summer so all day i have been sitting on my arse (haha what a funny word) i swear im surprised i dont need glasses from staring at the computer screan all day, i think iv gained a few pounds to haha, you know not doing anything lol:) in actual books iv recently (really during school were there was a lirary open ;)) taken it upon myself to read the whole entire series of the princesses, i forget the name but you know the movie with anne hathaway and shes a princess from genovia, ya thats the series i was reading, and iv gotta say it was pretty good. short though i would finish the books rather quickly.
FASHION: only got ONE thing for school, well im excited for school shopping but apprently my mom is not, i got some vans.. can never go wrong with those